It's been a tough week. I did not feel well for days. My repeat Week 11 was full of issues and surprises. When I went yesterday to CancerCare for my labs, doctor visit, and chemo, I wasn't sure I was going to "qualify" to get the chemo. It was close but I got in!
It does seem a lot like wondering if we are there yet. Or will I even be able to complete the protocol. I'm really hung up on this. I worry that if I am honest about how I feel and how the week went that I will get pulled. But this week I had to cave after a hospital visit and some dangerously low labs.
We are focusing on getting the side effects enough under control to allow me to make it as far as possible. My last day of chemo is now scheduled for January 18, 2024. So I have both some new meds to add to the mix as well as revised instructions on how to take some of them. Hopefully this means that this week will be more manageable.
Unfortunately, even with three of the Granix shots this week, my labs still reveal some dangerously low counts. I will repeat the three shots this week too and then my doctor will make a decision next Thursday. I simply am not responding and recovering as most people would. It was explained to me that the chemo I have already had over the course of my lifetime, as well as the fact that I have fragile bone marrow as a result of my transplant, leave me in a precarious position. My marrow may just nt be able to tolerate much more.
This is not good news for a number of reasons. But the main ones are that I may have to stop chemo before the end of my protocol. And second, I may never be able to tolertate more chemo. The latter really scares me.
Other than all of this drama, the week had a lot going one. Brennan was home from school for the week. He will be home from the semester on the 16th. Thanksgiving was quiet and calm, thanks to the gift of a delivered gourmet meal from a local catering company. I was able to attend a celebration of life, which was really important to me to be there. I went quickly downhill promptly after. But at least I made it there.
As you can see, I am back to my complaining and carrying on! I hope you know that I am trying to share and update as opposed to just being a downer...... It is what it is. Ugly stuff.
I hope each and every one of you enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving with your family and friends.

Dear Friend 😊
The journey continues- which is a great thing !!!!
Please don’t ever feel that you are complaining…. We appreciate your openness and honesty- one of the many qualities I/we so admire about you. And it gives us a reality check regarding the importance and power of prayer. My prayers continue for your healing journey and for the strength that you and your family provide for each other… 🙏🙏🥰🥰.
Sally! I love you! Thank you for sharing your journey - you are not a downer, cancer is. You are amazing to be sharing your ups and downs with us. ❤️ Prayers! XXOO