I Got Chemo!! Yesterday's weekly labs showed my counts had indeed started recovering. Six shots later and I was deemed suitable for chemo. It is a very weird process. I arrive at CancerCare and get labs. Then I wait to see my oncologist who delivers the verdict of whether my counts have responded enough to get chemo. I sit with baited breath hoping someone will tell me they will poison me. Bizarre.

I received lots and lots of iv meds and extra iv fluids plus both chemo drugs. Yay! I also was blessed with a tag team effort of two special guests. Abbie and John Paul, thank you!
I must admit my depression has lightened considerably knowing that my bone marrow is finally working and being able to receive chemo. I am very greatly to so many who took the time to respond to my sharing of struggling. From blog comments, to emails, to texts, to calls, to visits: thank you. I felt heard and that in itself helped.
Physically, I continue to slow down. I am so tired, all the time. I find I must rest and/or nap at least once a day. It is becoming more difficult to get around. Movement exhausts me, my heart races, and I get short of breath. Every time I drive by my gym, or drive along my walking routes, I get pangs of regret and sorrow. That ability seems so long ago and so far away.
The weight gain is one of the very top side effects that just devastates me. Due to the extremely high dose of steroids I am on, weight gain is unavoidable. Sure, diet and "evercise" can help but can not make this unavoidable. It's crushing.
A funny thing happened to me on Saturday morning...... One of my front teeth fell out. To be more specific, the crown fell out. As is out of my mouth and dropped onto the floor. So I was toothless until Sunday morning when my very kind dentist took pity on me and met me at her office to glue it back in. I absolutely refused John Paul's and Craig's begging to take pictures. Would you trust them with that??!!
Back to the weekly cycle. I have three scheduled shots. I have a change in medication for the adrenal insufficiency for days three, four, and five post-chemo. We are all hoping that this med dose change (more steroids-yuck) will keep my blood pressure up and keep me out of the hospital. Then back at it next Thursday. Rinse and repeat......
A few odds and ends:
Brennan arrives later this morning. It will be nice to have time with him.
John Paul turns 21 next week!! I have been granted permission to have a drink with him. So looking forward to celebrating with him.
We are getting our tree today. The guys will be in charge this year. You better believe I will be sharing pics.....
Finally, a special thank you to a few ladies who dug deep and made sure I had good vibes, love, and friendship. Thank you all of you.
Woo! Hoo! For good news!!!
and Happy 11 Pipers piping!!
Love you so much!!🎉❤️🎄❤️💪🏻
Sally you must realize at some point there is a reason you are so very loved….! ❤️