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My Radiation Friend


Recently a friend referred to me as "My Radiation Friend". I find this hilarious! Sad but true.

Today I meet with my Radiation Oncologist to learn about my specific, personally-tailored radiation program. I was told that I would start around three to four weeks post-op. It takes a week to do all the "prep" to be ready to start. (Cool. I get another tattoo and a super fine body shield.) However, I have decided that I will continue as previously planned to take Brennan to his college freshman orientation later this month. I don't know if this means I will start radiation a little bit later or get a reprieve for a couple of days. But you know what? Life goes on. My child is required to attend said orientation and I want the experience and joy of taking him. As planned.

So I find myself at an interesting junction. I don't know my future. But I do know I have plans. So I am moving forward, as a radiation patient, and as a friend. My Radiation Friend-I love it!

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Jul 07, 2023

PS ENJOY your time with Brennan 👍🥰


Jul 07, 2023

Good Morning Friend 😀

Love and admire your spirit and attitude !!! YOU be in the driver seat, it’s good to have plans outside of the radiation program. Continued prayers for strength and healing as “ this too shall pass “….

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