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Radiation Update

I am exhausted. This radiation fatigue business is legit. I guess I did not comprehend the extent of how it would affect me. I am finding getting through basic tasks challenging and my days get shorter as I go to bed earlier (like 4:00pm). "Radiation fatigue" is the nice way of putting it......

Suddenly my radiated skin area turned pink. Then a rash developed. Then it got a few shades darker pink. And now I have a few blisters. The most affected areas are where they are going after my lymph nodes, my underarm and clavicle areas. I am instructed to apply a cream at least three times a day as well as to not wear any clothes over it as much as possible. I am finding that part a bit difficult. It is odd, for me, to cruise around my house without a top on, especially when I look like this. But I'm trying.

A number of people have asked if it hurts. My answer is that it is more uncomfortable than painful. But ask me again tomorrow!

This week I will be half way through. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Exciting!

To those who observe, I wish you a beautiful Holy Week and Easter.

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Sounds like you need tube tops from back in the day;-) I'm glad you are half way through & that you are able to handle the radiation much better than the chemo. I hope you & the family have a relaxing Easter. It will probably be a little hard on Brennan & you with him being gone, but it won't be long before he's home again. Hang in there! You are doing great!

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Thanks for the pep talk and encouragement. I appreciate that! Yes, Easter will be a little tough with no kids at home. But this too shall pass……

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