I am celebrating, in that mellow, low key, chemo patient kind of way, that Round 6 is behind me. I am officially a third of the way through! It seems like a lot already. It seems like a lot still ahead. But this is an accomplishment and I am proud and grateful.
Thank you all for your support, love, and encouragement thus far. And a special thank you to those who have sat with me through the chemo infusions. Kind of a heavy thing to process and I appreciate you so!
Unfortunately my counts were too low for both chemo infusions so today I only received the Taxol. And I will need two Granix shots this week as opposed to one. But no one said this would be easy.....
I haven't asked this before. Does anyone have any questions? You are the people who I care if you would like an explanation or clarification. Or if you just are curious about something. Feel free to post below and I will answer. Chances are if you are wondering, someone else is as well.
Please pray that this week will be easier than the last. It is difficult to accept how much I have slowed down. My doctor said to lean into it, accept it, and rest. But it's challenging to accept change at this level and to be ok with it. So extra prayers for this are appreciated.
Fall is here. The trees and foliage in Spokane are incredibly gorgeous. Just one of the many blessings around me.
