I feel like I am recovering well from surgery last Tuesday. As I shared earlier, pathology will take 1-2 weeks and onco typing 2-3. I am anxious to know if we are 1. Done with surgery and 2. What the final treatment plan will be.
I've had a minor complication since surgery. I left the hospital the day after surgery (Weds). Thursday at 8:00am I had submitted photos of some weird swelling to the side of my breast area and was being scheduled to come right in. Long story short, the surgeon aspirated (inserted a small needed and drained out) a little over 90 cc's of fluid from that area. I felt WAY better after this was done.
Unfortunately I was back in the surgeon's office twice Friday morning. More was drained out and again I felt much better. However, the fluid can't just be left in there and I obviously can't go in every day to get it drained. You probably see where this is heading.....
I am being seen tomorrow morning for eval at 10:30 and am scheduled for surgery at 12:30 to place a drain in that area. I am so very done with surgeries and am hoping and praying that it will be decided that I no longer need the drain placement. I have looked at the area a couple of times and am pulling for one last aspiration and then I can just heal on my own. I don't have any odds so I'm not betting on this one.
Dear Sally,
Praying for your continued strength and healing as you continue your recovery.